Sunday 3 January 2010

it's a new year.

alot has happend this year, some things for the better and some things not. alot has changed and it's safe to say it's been a rollercoster. i've learnt alot, somethings i wish i hadn't but it's safe to say, ino who and what matter's now. some amazing things have happened, eg working on "the cleaner" and making some amazing new friendships. i want to make this year a good'en and ino, everyone says this at the beginning of a new year, but this time, i feel like really working for it, and im going to try my best to keep everything i say ^) so happy new year guys, and thankyou so much for the love; support and happieness you have given me this year, i wouldn't have done it without you<3

the resolutions
# to spend more time with the family
# to get involed in more things around the house
# get more organized with things
# go to school and get some good grades
# meet up with the chs guys and girls more
# start cross country again, when its time
# try some different sports
# stop swearing at everything
# stop flirting with every living thing
# stay with the boyfriend<3
# stop complaining about every little thing
# stay out of things im not involed in
# enjoy life more by trying new things :-)

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